Apr 30, 2010

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 - A REVIEW

"I played that game, and it sucks. Call of Duty is ten times better!" said the slightly overweight post adolescent clerk, ominously hanging out beside the checkout counter, not minding his own business. Not doing anything. Just sharing his thoughts right as we were paying for the "game" he thought was ten time worse that the game we grew to hate. Well, hate isn't the right word I guess, loathe, is more like it. In-fact, we started loathing it so much, that when we saw the gameplay and being impressed with it, we used our birthday money, went out that day, and bought this game. That led to the ominous clerk. The clerk that just couldn't seem to hold his tongue. Either that, or he didn't care to. He continued as we smiled falsely, thinking to our selves "Why is he telling us what he thinks of the game we just bought for $50 instead of promoting it for the company he works for?. Seeing the looks on our faces I'm sure he added as we were leaving:
"But hey, everyone has there own tastes." Well you know what, he was right. About the tastes part.
Bad Company 2 is not only not ten times worse than Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 2. It is ten times better.
We haven't played the campaign because, well, we don't want to. We bought this for the online gameplay, and that's what we have been playing. So really, this is more of a review on that.
The Gameplay -
After the ridiculously chaotic and incredibly frustrating gameplay of modern Warfare 2, the well paced realistic gameplay of Bad Company 2 is very refreshing. It is a little awkward to move your character around, and can be difficult to aim your weapon at times, but once you get used to it, it's no big deal.
Graphics -
Better than COD, better than most. Pretty darn good. 
The Sound -
Sound is very important in a game to us, and right off the bat you'll noticed the incredible and realistic sound effects of this game. That alone is a winner in our book. They are suburb and capture the reality of battle very well. Far better than Call of Duty. Yet the audio can glitch. For example: It will mute the sound of you reloading your weapon quite often if there are other sounds happening. This kinda sucks.
The Map Design -
The maps also far surpass COD 4's. They are large, fun to explore, and feel very real. It's almost like the team looked at a place on a map and recreated it into the game. There are plenty of places to hide and get a good vantage point of the battle, or whatever you want to be looking at.
The Weapons -
The weapons are balanced, unlike MW2, and are much more satisfying to use. It takes skill to use them and that's exactly what we were looking for. Unlike MW2 we first started off using the assault class, but quickly came to enjoy using the recon class. We found out that using a sniper rifle in this game is not only fun, but it's challenging. Also unlike COD 4, you have to arch your bullet at distances, and make each shot count if you want it to find it's mark. but unfortunately there is one criticism against the sniper rifles, they are sometimes far too un-powerful. Way to many times than not, a player won't die after taking a direct hit to the "center mass" with the high caliber round of a sniper rifle, even after putting the specialization for more powerful bullets on the class. And you'll have to follow up on it. This can get bothersome. But hey, it's not a show stopper.
Online Play -
It's good. Much better than COD 4: MW2. It can get repetitive, but rarely does. Often it's moving forward and requires your attention. And the matches last much longer than COD 4's. Which is a very nice thing. There are a few game modes but we only play one. "Rush and Conquest" That one just seems to be the funnest. It requires a lot of teamwork.
Final Comments -
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 is a well worth it game. It's much better than Modern Warfare 2 in the online department in more areas than it's not. And since it's cheaper to buy than MW2, it was an easy decision to make to go ahead and get it.
Ruling -
The Good/ Realistic sounds, and gameplay. - Good online play. - Vehicles!
The Bad/ Unrealistic reloading of weapons - Medic class too powerful. - Not enough game modes.
Our Score - 8.5 out of 10
- Stefan

The Dark Tower gets a new director - thoughts

Originally in the hands of JJ Abrams, The Dark Tower rights were recently resold back to Stephen King and have now been re-resold to... Ron Howard.
This is a disaster. Oh no.
About 2 weeks ago, Stefan and I were watching the film "backdraft" for about 30 seconds. I knew who the director of it was, but Stefan couldn't remember. After studying the film for a bit he said aloud: "This director is horrible." I told him who it was and he wasn't shocked.
Watching Maximum Overdrive, the one and only film directing by King, I know that he has no artistic vision as a director. And his personal liking of the filmmaker Sam Raimi, and disliking of Stanley Kubrick, shows he has no vision of what good directing is. Though I was impressed of his decision in choosing Abrams to direct at first, it now seems like he just gives it to whoever (he should pick me and Stefan).
I'll admit, Ron Howard isn't the worst director, but he's on the same level as them in mine and Stefan's opinion. The kind that constantly, randomly adds dramatic music to every scene in an attempt at masking his flaws as a director. The kind that begins their films with a slowly craning camera from the sky; then later cranes the camera from a car's headlight back into the sky. The kind that spins the camera around actors like a hula hoop while they drink their morning coffee. I guess you get it.
Yet, I will also admit have a mild hope that he can straighten up. And lets pray that it turns out to be a MOVIE(S), not an HBO mini-series, or God-forbid a CABLE TV series.
- Joey